
4 Ways To Protect Your Skin Against Photoaging: How Can You Do It?

Photoaging can be defined as

“the onset of premature aging caused due to overexposure to the sun’s rays.”

People have the opinion that sun damage is minimal, but it is just the tip of the iceberg. Damage caused due to overexposure and UV radiation invokes almost 80% of the visible signs of skin aging.

Damage caused by the sun’s radiation is one of the major causes of the appearance of early signs of aging, especially fine lines, wrinkles and a lack of elasticity. Aging is a process monitored by nature but the dysfunction of the skin can be prevented and reversed in certain cases- but how can you deal with it?

1: Use A Skin-Compatible Sunscreen Every Day

Most people have the opinion that being exposed to the sun means spending the day outside on a beautiful sunny day when the sun is shining right above us, but this isn’t the complete truth. The rays of the sun can still impact your skin no matter the time, weather or location.


You need to use sunscreen daily to decrease the total amount of UV rays absorbed by your skin and eventually, protect it from harmful exposure to the sun.

Everyone should follow a strict skincare routine, where they apply sunscreen throughout the year. It does not matter what type of skin you have, but still, people with lighter skin tones must take some additional precautions. 

The sunscreen that you choose should have an SPF of 30, at least, with a formula that offers broad-spectrum protection. This would ensure protection from both UVA and UVB rays. The product that you choose must also be suitable for all skin types, which simply means that it does not cause any irritation, is free from oil & is hypoallergenic.

2: Apply The Sunscreen Properly To Combat Photoaging

The first step to prevent photoaging is to have sunscreen and the next one is to know how to use it properly.


You need to apply the product on all exposed areas, especially your face, neck and hands, as they are usually more exposed to the sun than the rest of the body. These areas are comparatively more sensitive and require a constant level of protection all through the year to reduce the visible signs of aging.

Another part of your body that is prone to photoaging is your lips. You need to ensure that your lips are always moisturised with SPF30 so that the skin on your lips can stay delicate.

Nothing good has ever happened in a jiffy, and it’s the same with sunscreens. You need to let the sunblock work its love on your skin. Always apply the product 20-30 minutes prior to moving out and re-apply the sunscreen after every two hours for complete protection.

You need to follow the “Two Finger Rule” while deciding on the quantity of sunscreen. Dispense the sunscreen in two lines on your index and middle finger, from the tip of your fingers to the bottom. This amount is enough to cover your face and neck.

3: Avoid The Sun At Critical Times

It is not possible for us to limit exposure to the sun when its rays are harmful. All you can do is try to reduce the time that you’re exposed to the sun between 10 am to 4 pm when the UV radiation is at its peak.


If you’re outdoors, you need to protect your sensitive areas by seeking shade under buildings or trees or carrying an umbrella.

4: Always Wear Sun-Protective Clothes


If you are a shop-a-holic, then your wardrobe must be full of designer clothing, but you’ve missed out on something more important: Sun Protective Clothing!!

Get a broad-brimmed hat for yourself, to protect your face and neck from the sun, instead of going for a baseball cap.

Aim at keeping the sensitive areas of your body under cover. If you have a lighter skin tone then it might be prone to get burnt at the neck region, so wear something that covers that particular area. Go for shirts with long sleeves with matching long pants, even though it might be difficult and quite uncomfortable during the summer.

The sun-protective clothing needs to be made up of a fabric that has UPF 30 or Ultraviolet Protection Factor 30. The UPF value indicates how much of the UV rays are allowed by the fabric to reach the layers of your skin.

Look for some quality sunglasses, as they can help to protect your eyes. Choose a suitable pair, as buying cheap ones will neither protect your eyes nor will it block the harmful UV rays.

What Makes Those Clothing Safe?

Choosing the right kind of fabric can shield you from the sun but not all clothing can provide an equal amount of protection.

Colour: Wearing dark colours can keep the UV rays away by absorbing them. They do not allow harmful radiation to penetrate.

Construction: Clothes like denim, wool or synthetic fibres offer more protection than thin, loosely woven clothes. Test it yourself: Hold up the piece of clothing towards the light, if you can see through it, then UV radiation can penetrate it easily and reach your skin.

Fit: It is preferred to wear loose-fitting clothes as tight ones can stretch and reduce protection levels. The fibres then pull away from one another and allow UV radiation to pass through them.
